Saturday, May 28, 2016

Are these Real Estate Listings Real?!

The busy life of a real estate agent, we all need some humor in our profession. So, our team at Profusion360 decided to post some videos that can ease up some stress in your life. Enjoy!!

Watch video here:

Thursday, May 26, 2016

SEO – How to Embed Keywords for Your Real Estate Website

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the Science of website ranking in Search Engine Sites. All real estate website should aim to please search engine sites in order for them to rank in the first page of the search. Search engines websites decide which websites they will show when there is query in their platform and to help them find pick your real estate website, you should know how to perform SEO.
There are many search engine websites but there are only a few who matters and there is only one that everyone is trying to please and that is Google. Why? It is not because Google is famous though that is one thing but another is that search engines sites have their own algorithm and you simply can’t follow them all.
Google is very particular to keywords. Once the searcher enters their keywords, Google will crawl to different websites and if you embed your keywords correctly in your real estate website, Google will pick you to be on the top of the list.
Keywords is one of the most important part of SEO, embed it correctly in your real estate website and you are good to go.
  • Places to Embed Keywords in your Real Estate Website
  1. Page Title & Meta Description: These are the most crucial part of SEO keywording. It is not hard to do but you should know how valuable it is in your real estate website. These words will give the first impression to the readers for this is the part of your website that the search engine will show in the search results. Make sure to contact your website management team so you can have an access on these parts and that right SEO can be done.
  2. Headers: This shows the search engine about the subject of your website. Make it sure that the header is filled with important SEO keywords.
  3. Sub-Headers: This is another signal from your website to search engine that tells you wanted to be found.
  4. Body Paragraph: You should include your keywords in your content but you should be careful not to over stuff the body because search engine will penalize you if you got caught. You should make sure that the weight of your SEO keywords is up to 2-4% only. Also, don’t let your sentence suffer just because you want to insert your keywords. You should write naturally and with sense. You will find it hard in the beginning but keep practicing and you will learn how to do it.
  5. Image Alt Tags: Images is a great help to SEO, it can help your real estate website to rank higher, if only you place your keywords at the alt tags. With the help of Alt Tags, Google can read your image. It is a label you add in the picture which telling the search engine that you add an image in your website and that it relates to this subject.
Keywords help the search engine to see your real estate website. If you find it a little complicated, you can always ask for the help of the experts. At least now you know that your real estate website needs to be keywords rich.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Escape Plan

These kids are so genius! They find ways on how to escape in their current situation. Learn from these kids. If you feel stuck up on your real estate business, remember that there’s always a way :)

Watch the video here ->

Friday, May 20, 2016

Is WordPress the Best Platform for Your Real Estate Website?

WordPress has become a popular choice for the development of real estate websites. However, is it the best content management system (CMS) for your real estate website? We’ll examine why it may not be the best choice for real estate website owners.

Why Real Estate Website Designers Are Using WordPress

With WordPress being an open source and free platform, it has become the popular choice for website providers and developers. Whether you are building a community website or a store with shopping cart, the availability of third-party  themes and plugins allows you to achieve just about anything you would want.
WordPress gives website developers a great starting point and tools to build a website. Back in the early years of our company, our website developers developed websites from scratch with code. WordPress now allows people to build websites even if they have no knowledge of coding. In fact, many who know how to build websites using WordPress now call themselves “website developers” even though they have no knowledge of actual website coding.

Doing It Yourself – The WordPress Learning Curve

If you have little or no knowledge of website development, the WordPress learning curve will be steep. Hosting and installing WordPress can be a intimidating and daunting task. Even with the availability of installation guides, the installation of just WordPress itself can be a nightmare if you have no knowledge of the hosting lingo. When you do get WordPress installed, you have a generic website that requires the installation of third-party themes and plugins. This is where we see most users just throw in the towel and contact us. They have a project they wished they never started, and the time they’ve spent trying to launch their real estate website could have been spent towards growing their real estate business and getting more clients.

Having Somebody Build Your WordPress Real Estate Website

Even if you have somebody build your real estate website for you using WordPress, we still see many users coming to us for help. They still feel their real estate website content is hard to manage and the change of their design nearly impossible. The main reason is that since WordPress was designed for everybody of all industries, there is so much in the backend that it becomes overwhelming. Most real estate website owners only require a small percentage of the features available in WordPress.


WordPress can build beautiful and attractive real estate websites with many real estate themes available to install. Themes give you a great starting point but they still require customization to achieve the real estate website you really want. A WordPress theme comes generic requiring quite a bit of customization to personalize it for your real estate business. From our experience, a WordPress theme will only get you about 50% of where you actually want to be with your real estate website. The other 50% requires stripping the loaded theme to only the things you want, adding your own relevant real estate content and images, installation of plugins, and design customization.

WordPress Vulnerability

With the popularity of WordPress comes many struggles for real estate website owners. One such major and vital struggle is website security. Once a hacker finds one vulnerability in WordPress, all WordPress websites become open to an attack. In November 2014, a vulnerability was discovered that left almost 86 percent of the 75 million WordPress websites open to an attack. Just a month earlier, 800,000 banking credentials were stolen from hacked WordPress websites.
If your real estate website is built on WordPress, most likely it is using third-party plugins. These third-party plugins can also contain vulnerabilities making your real estate website open to an attack. If a vulnerability is found in the plugins, you are then at the mercy of the third-party developer to fix the security issue.

The Profusion360 Platform – The Best Solution for Real Estate Websites

Don’t get us wrong, our developers love the power and flexibility of WordPress. We use WordPress for the development of many of our custom websites we develop for corporations. However, we also fully understand the complexity of the WordPress platform and how it can be overwhelming and frustrating for real estate website owners.
Profusion360 wanted to develop its very own CMS platform that was designed specifically for real estate website owners. From our years of experience and feedback from real estate agents, we’ve taken the features that real estate website owners really need and put those in our own platform. We’ve also developed our own proprietary system that will give users a real estate website that is over 90% complete with only minor customization needed such as adding your photo, logo, and contact information. The results are beautiful, professional, modern real estate websites with an easy-to-use and powerful backend control panel that allows real estate website owners to easily and efficiently manage their real estate website content and design.
Our real estate specific platform also allows our users to easily change many design aspects of their real estate website to achieve the image of their real estate business. Our proprietary system also delivers your high-end real estate website much faster than any other real estate website provider who is using WordPress so you can launch your real estate website quicker. Our turn around time of a semi-custom real estate website is typically half of other providers who use WordPress.