Thursday, June 23, 2016

What is the Best Real Estate Website Design?

The best real estate website design has the elements and the features integrated therein that makes the life of the prospective buyers easier in choosing a home. A well designed website also helps you and saves you a lot of time and money convincing your leads to get the property because the property will speak for itself with the help of your easy to navigate real estate website.

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Real Estate Agent List a Haunted House

Got you! You think it’s true? Real estate agent’s job is funny but sometimes scary too! Do you have an experience like this? Is there a real estate property that many believe is haunted but you have it at your real estate property listing anyway?

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Real Estate Agent, “a little paint will do..”. Really?

Hey real estate agents! Don’t take life too seriously, no one gets alive ðŸ˜‰ Kidding..
Take a look at this image below, are you guilty of this? Don’t tell me you do.

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One Sweet Day in Real Estate

Another Real Estate Humor here for you. How do you feel when your best friend use another real estate agent?
Is this how your face like?

Top 3 Real Estate Website Help that will Boost Leads

Review your website and see where are you so far. Are you getting ahead or you need a real estate website help? It is important that you analyze the performance of your real estate website from time to time because this will help you realize what you are doing right or doing wrong. Therefore, you can make necessary adjustments to make everything right. If you are not getting enough leads for your website. Here are 3 easy steps that can help you boost leads.

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Do you have this “Essential Skills” for Real Estate Agents?

Real Estate Agents experienced a lot of things in dealing with their prospective clients. With this, they developed an extreme set of skills in their entire career ðŸ˜‰ like these on the video. Take a break and let us have a laugh! Real Estate career can never be boring. Who can relate?

Watch the video here:

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Mobile Friendly Real Estate Websites

Does Your Real Estate Website Need To Be Mobile Friendly?

A few years ago the answer may have been mixed. With mobile internet users now surpassing desktop internet users, the answer today is a definite YES!
With 80% of internet users now owning a smartphone, if your real estate website is not mobile friendly, there is a good chance you are missing out on potential clients. Statistics show that mobile users prefer to revisit websites that are mobile friendly.

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Thursday, June 9, 2016

5 Easy Blog Post Ideas for Your Real Estate Website

Blogging is very important part of your real estate website. It is a must that you are producing a fresh andunique content on a regular basis. This helps you to get people attracted with your property website aside from the properties you have posted. It isn’t time consuming and you will never experience any mental block if you know the right technique in coming up with blog post ideas. Here are the 5 easy blog post ideas to help you get started with your real estate website blog.
  1. Answer Frequently Asked Questions. One of the best things to get started with your real estate blog is to answer the queries of the agents, buyers and sellers. This will make your blog post very informative and it will help you in a long run. You do not need to answer their questions and you can just direct them to your blog. For sure, there are a lot of questions you have encountered daily, therefore, make it an inspiration to write an informative blog post.
  2. Write about Home Design and Décor Advice. You might not be an expert on this field but you are with people who are. Get an advice from them and ask them the kind of decoration that is appropriate for the house you are selling. You can also write something about the house design of the properties you are selling, is it inspired by what era? Is it meant to withstand nature’s destruction? There are many topics you can come up just by looking at the house you are selling in your website plus it helps you to market the property as well.
  3. Get Inspiration from the Reviews and Testimonials you received. You can express your gratefulness over the people who have given your website a review or who are given their testimonials for your professional service. You can tell a story on how you meet these people and how happy you are that you have provided them what they need. Each person has its own story so there’s plenty you can write about.
  4. Write about your recent webinar, your podcast interview and the videos you’ve created. If you have recently held a webinar for your agents, use this as a blog post afterwards. This way, the people who have failed to attend can get a chance to watch what had happened and what had been discussed in a webinar. This is another perfect topic that your audience will be interested in. If you have been a guest on a podcast interview, you can write a blog post about it. If you are creating some videos for your YouTube channel, you can also use it to create a blog post for your real estate business.
  5. You can write an interesting property description that you have. There are some interesting property descriptions that you can get ideas with. You can start as to why this certain description matters and how it is built. You can show the image in your blog post. Images are significant in every blog post. It will catch the eye of your audiences and they will find your topic interesting.
Time Saving Real Estate Blogging Tips
  • Create a blog calendar. Whenever you have an idea, write it down in your blog calendar. Also write a description on how it inspires you so that you will not get lost when you look back on your notes and you will never ran out of ideas as well.
  • Research keywords that are related to your real estate website and create topics from there. This will also help you with SEO.
  • When you’re in the mood, keep on writing. You can produce a month’s blog post in one sitting than when you are forcing your mind to do one in a day.
There you go! Easy, right?
Get showing feedback system for your real estate website now and get ideas for your blog post.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

How to Build Backlinks from Social Media to Your Real Estate Website

Importance of Backlinks from Social Media to Your Real Estate Website
Does Social Media backlinks important in your real estate website? Whether or not backlinks from Social Media creates impact on Search Engine websites, it is still crucial for every real estate website owner to not ignore social media in their marketing campaign.  It is important due to the following reasons:
  1. Social Media is considered as ordinary web pages. Search engines may or may not give an impact to thebacklinks coming from social media to your real estate website but they consider social media as ordinary web pages just like any other websites. Therefore, if the link is repeatedly shared in social media sites and the search engine feels the authority of the website, it might be crawled and showed in search engine results.
  2. Social Media Profile Ranks in Search Engines. Try to search a brand in search engine website and you will find out that more than the website it is the social media sites that shows up on the top of the list. Search engines found the authority in Social media websites thus they are crawling to it more often and always ranks first.
  3. Social Media Sites are used as search engines too. Why get too obsessed with Google and other search engine websites when people nowadays are using social media to find what they are looking for? More and more of people are using social media to find the person they are looking for and the product or services they want. If you add relevant keywords on your social media profiles and create the right hashtag, people will find it quickly.
If search engines rank social media profiles at the top of the top of the searches and if people are using social media to search for what they want then building backlinks from it to your real estate website is a smart move.
How to Create Social Media Backlinks for Your Real Estate Website
Backlinks from another website that points to your website builds your real estate website’s confidence. Here are the steps on how you can create a social media backlinks for your real estate website.
Step 1: Create Social Media Profiles. There are many social media sites out there but only create accounts on powerhouse social media platform such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and most importantly YouTube and Google plus. You can also create accounts on social media sites that doesn’t have no-follow attribute on it like Digg and Reddit.
Step 2: Complete the description and include all your keywords. Don’t be too lazy to complete the description and adding keywords on it because this will build a brand awareness and authority on your website. It will also make search engines job easy in finding you and pointing on you whenever there are queries that relates to your keywords. Take advantage of the description area to add your link so your real estate website can get double backlinks, one from the description area and another to website link area.
Step 3: Make sure that all your social media networks account are set to public. If you mislook this you are wasting your time.
Step 4: Use Social Networking Sites to generate high quality contents. Contents always play a major role in the success of any businesses not only real estate business. If you produce lame content, who will share it and how do you expect people to visit your real estate website?
Now that you know the importance of backlinks in your real estate website and how to create it, It is the right time to do it. Knowledge without action is dead. If you are too busy as a real estate website owner, you can always outsource. There are service company providers who offer Social Media Real Estate Marketing Package.