Thursday, June 9, 2016

5 Easy Blog Post Ideas for Your Real Estate Website

Blogging is very important part of your real estate website. It is a must that you are producing a fresh andunique content on a regular basis. This helps you to get people attracted with your property website aside from the properties you have posted. It isn’t time consuming and you will never experience any mental block if you know the right technique in coming up with blog post ideas. Here are the 5 easy blog post ideas to help you get started with your real estate website blog.
  1. Answer Frequently Asked Questions. One of the best things to get started with your real estate blog is to answer the queries of the agents, buyers and sellers. This will make your blog post very informative and it will help you in a long run. You do not need to answer their questions and you can just direct them to your blog. For sure, there are a lot of questions you have encountered daily, therefore, make it an inspiration to write an informative blog post.
  2. Write about Home Design and Décor Advice. You might not be an expert on this field but you are with people who are. Get an advice from them and ask them the kind of decoration that is appropriate for the house you are selling. You can also write something about the house design of the properties you are selling, is it inspired by what era? Is it meant to withstand nature’s destruction? There are many topics you can come up just by looking at the house you are selling in your website plus it helps you to market the property as well.
  3. Get Inspiration from the Reviews and Testimonials you received. You can express your gratefulness over the people who have given your website a review or who are given their testimonials for your professional service. You can tell a story on how you meet these people and how happy you are that you have provided them what they need. Each person has its own story so there’s plenty you can write about.
  4. Write about your recent webinar, your podcast interview and the videos you’ve created. If you have recently held a webinar for your agents, use this as a blog post afterwards. This way, the people who have failed to attend can get a chance to watch what had happened and what had been discussed in a webinar. This is another perfect topic that your audience will be interested in. If you have been a guest on a podcast interview, you can write a blog post about it. If you are creating some videos for your YouTube channel, you can also use it to create a blog post for your real estate business.
  5. You can write an interesting property description that you have. There are some interesting property descriptions that you can get ideas with. You can start as to why this certain description matters and how it is built. You can show the image in your blog post. Images are significant in every blog post. It will catch the eye of your audiences and they will find your topic interesting.
Time Saving Real Estate Blogging Tips
  • Create a blog calendar. Whenever you have an idea, write it down in your blog calendar. Also write a description on how it inspires you so that you will not get lost when you look back on your notes and you will never ran out of ideas as well.
  • Research keywords that are related to your real estate website and create topics from there. This will also help you with SEO.
  • When you’re in the mood, keep on writing. You can produce a month’s blog post in one sitting than when you are forcing your mind to do one in a day.
There you go! Easy, right?
Get showing feedback system for your real estate website now and get ideas for your blog post.

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