Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How to Set-Up your Yahoo/Bing Ads for Real Estate Website Traffic Part 2

How to Set-Up your Yahoo/Bing Ads for Real Estate Website Traffic Part 2
Did you learn something about our previous blog post How to Set-Up your Yahoo/Bing Ads for Real Estate Website Traffic Part 1?
As promised, here is the second part of how to set up your Yahoo or Bing Ads for your Real Estate Website. Last time we tackle about the 6 steps which are the following:
  1. Take Advantage of Free Bing Ads Coupon Worth $50
  2. Set-Up Yahoo/Bing Ads Account
  3. Create or Import Your First Real Estate Ad and Campaign
  4. Choose Keywords for Your Bing Ads
  5. Choose Your Keywords Match Type
  6. Set-Up Your Bids
Now, on the second part, it is all about the campaign, budget, location, payment and optimization. Ready?
Read more here:

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