Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Top 10 Real Estate Coaches

There is a lot of hype nowadays about real estate coaching. Does real estate coaching really work? According to Inman News, over half of real estate agents participating in coaching program see 25+% in income growth. I personally believe coaching does help you grow your business, but only if you can find the right real estate coach that fits your need at this given point more here

Thursday, October 4, 2018

5 SEO Strategies for Realtors

In order to stand out among your competition, you need a real estate website that shows up in search engine websites. You need an SEO strategy for you to gain real estate leads and future clients. Here are 5 SEO strategies that you can implement to your website.

Read more here: 

5 SEO Strategies for Realtors

Monday, October 1, 2018

Generate Leads with Real Estate Landing Page

A real estate landing page is a targeted web page for different type of audiences, a buyer, a seller, an investor or a renter. In order to fully use this page to its full potential, you need to customize it based on your target or type of visitor. Visitors will not hesitate to sign up a form if you offer them what they need.

A real estate landing page should be…

Monday, September 24, 2018

How Instagram Helps Realtors Gain Exposure

Instagram helps realtors to gain exposures for the following reasons.
Instagram is best for mobile marketing. Instagram is the second best social media marketing platform (next to Facebook) for real estate agents nowadays. It has 1 Billion users worldwide. The very main reason why is that Instagram is more here

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Social Media Marketing for Realtors: Content Posting

How to post in Social Media Account

We are always saying to add value to your social media post. Now let’s discuss what is a valuable post for your real estate audience.
For a real estate agent, there is only one thing that the audience wants to see in their news feeds and this is listings. This is true, but flooding your follower’s feed with listings everyday can be annoying. This is especially if one of your social more here

How to Gain Exposure in Facebook for the Rest of 2018

Half of the year is over and it is time for you to re-evaluate your social media marketing strategy. You still have plenty of months to use social media to hit your target before the year is over. Let us start with Facebook.
Check if you are using or taking advantage of the following to more here

Thursday, September 13, 2018

How to Keep Your Visitor Stay on your Real Estate Website

Many realtors are busy chasing the trends and consume all their time following it that they neglect the most important tool in their business…. their website.
One good example is social media. We have heard a lot about social media sites that they could bring leads on your website. These can really be helpful in bringing leads, but where are you bringing all these leads? Of course, to your website.
Your website should be given priority more than anything else. Your effort in social media will all be worthless if your website is not a place worth to stay, especially your homepage.
How to make your visitor stay longer on your website?
You need a captivating homepage.
Read more here: Real Estate Homepage Hacks

Monday, September 10, 2018

How to Efficiently Follow Up to Convert Leads

First things first, you need to make sure that all the tools you need to capture real estate leads are set up accordingly. Your SMS and email notification should also be turned on.
No one can deny the fact that real estate professionals like you are always busy, but no matter how busy you are, you should stay on the top of things or you will miss out some good leads. Good thing, there is a real estate CRM system in your website that can help you manage your leads and manage your schedule.
Another thing is, you should always have time to follow up. This is a very important task that you shouldn’t neglect and should be part of your daily routine. This is the process of converting your leads into real clients.

Here are the steps on how to effectively follow up leads.